A little bit of Europe in Asia : Ho Chi Minh

After almost a month in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh was our last destination. It felt like walking in a city which was weird combination of an older European (French concession) and Asian city. Add a hint of modernism to the mix and you get something like the picture below.

Ho Chi Minh_Fotor

Unfortunately, I was sick for four days which made it impossible to hop from one tourbus to the next. Apart from that it was also about 40 degrees which made it impossible to walk for more than 500 meter without sweating like a pig. Two good reasons why we didn’t do that much.

We discovered that Ho Chi Minh is quite a trendy city filled with hipster bars that offer great food and beverages for even better prices. So we found ourselves hopping from one great bar to the next finding cool downs in between our walks in the city.


We didn’t find the city itself that alluring, maybe because we were templed-out and the markets start to look quite alike after being almost a month in Vietnam. We did however find different ways to amuse ourselves. For example a Vietnamese food massage which was absolutely lovely, learning a lot more about the vietnamese war in the War Remnants Museum. And last but not least, we enjoyed the AO show!


It is a show directed by Tuan Le, a man that also directed one of the great shows of Cirque Du Soleil, and it was truly marvelous. On top of that, it played in the operahouse of Ho Chi Minh which is famous for it’s history but also as astonishing as the show itself. Pictures were not allowed during the show, but I did managed to take a sneak peak for you to see. Below you’ll find that picture of the theater which also depicted the main attributes of the show : a lot of bamboo sticks and a bunch of huge bamboo baskets, which were used and combined in many acrobatic ways.


opera_FotorShort story even shorter : it was lovely to be in Ho Chi Minh, but it was also time to move on to the next country is search for some totally new experiences and impressions. Thailand time!!

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